Foods to Love By
Is your drive a little on the slow side these days? If that is the case, and you have ruled out physical or psychological triggers, you may want to take a look at your diet. Often times we can...
View ArticleHow do I move on When the Love of My Life Leaves?
I am asked this question on a regular basis. My first response is that if the person who left you leaves willingly, they are not the love of your life. A successful relationship needs to be reciprocal,...
View ArticleEasy Ways to Embrace Meditation
Everybody needs a little meditation in their life! Do you have a hard time breaking into the practice of meditation? If so, you are not alone. Many people have the desire to take up this healthy...
View ArticleSmudging 101
A popular choice for smudging I have had a several people lately reach out and ask me how to properly smudge their homes. While there is not really any set of rules, here is a breakdown that might...
View ArticleCookies to Soothe Your Soul, and Tummy
Lavender has always been favored for its lovely scent, but did you know it has wonderful cleaning properties too? Lavender Essential oil, added to water is a wonderful air freshener, and it is also...
View ArticleClear Out the Clutter!
Sometimes the closets are not the only things getting cluttered in a home. Energy has a way of lingering around and accumulating after time almost as bad as last years sandals! Have you ever walked...
View ArticleKick that Cold to the Curb!
It is COLD SEASON!!! Nobody is their best when they are feeling ill. When we are sick, our energy is sapped making day to day interactions such a chore. Nothing seems to make us feel better fast...
View ArticleThis Will Be the BEST YEAR EVER!!!
Happy New Year Folks! I hope that 2014 is off to a great start for you all. This is the time of year that many people choose to set some New Year’s Resolutions so that they are starting off the new...
View ArticleBattling the Energy Drain….And WINNING!
Work work work! In this day and age, we are all running at a very busy schedule. We rush off to work, rush home, rush to care for our families or rush along to classes. With all of this rushing, many...
View ArticleBad Day Blues
You know those days when you just feel…..flat? You may be grumpy, tired and just plain burnt out, and you sure do not want to deal with anybody. We ALL have those days. It is only natural, and having a...
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